Monday 9 July 2012

Dark Matter Part 2

Hi again, I am back for part two of Dark Matter write-up.

So, I left off explaining how well Michelle Paver had made this book, and that the main character, Jack was up to his knees in trouble. Ghost!


Anyway, on Jacks last stay in this place, things get pretty hectic. This ghost appears inside his cabin, facing away from him. It slowly turns to face him. After only just waking up Jack is confused but can still feel afraid. He can sense the hate the ghost has for him and runs. This is when the cabin get set on fire by the ghost. (This is because that it  is how the living soul of the ghost died, being set alight) Jack runs for the water for rescue has arrived still terrified, he gets into the rowing boat with his dog. The boat only had a certain number of men on board a moment ago, for some reason there was another figure, sitting right next to him! But it couldn't be! Yes, it was the ghost. The men panicked and Gus fell of the boat and so did Jack, one of them dies, but that is for you to find out.

I have only briefly scratched the surface of Dark Matter, and I wont tell any more about what happens! Read it for yourself, you wont regret it!  
